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Box Turtles...

22 16:07:24

Dear Expert,
I have one Female Box turtle, and My Mom loves turtles and i would like to get one for her birthday to go along with the other one. But what Gender would be best to get? if i got another female would they fight? (if box turtles can fight) or would they be okay? and if i got a male, would they mate? (because we probably do not want that) Thanks so much for your help!

-Maria. J

Hi Maria,

Getting another female would probably be best for your situation.  Females typically don't fight, and a male would want to mate constantly with your female--they are VERY persistent.  Just make sure you have a roomy enclosure with plenty of sight breaks such as logs, plants, rocks, etc.  For two box turtles, an enclosure at least 4' x 6' would be big enough.  I'd also encourage you to build an outside pen if you don't have one already, as box turtles do better outside and can live outside in the U.S. all year round (hibernating in the winter).  You might want to see if there are any local reptile rescues or herp societies that have box turtles available.  Good luck finding one for your mom!