Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Black sack comming out of turrtles ass

Black sack comming out of turrtles ass

22 16:14:03

I was wonder what it meant if there is a black sack like thing hannging out of the turrtles ass! It is a redeared slider > i picked it up one day when cleaning its tank and it got super sccared more than normal and a black sack was hanging out of its ass it was able to retract it some what though. Can you help???

You have a male turtle. This is called a 'penile prolapse' and the behavior of showing it is called 'fanning'- your turtle is becoming sexually mature. This does not mean it needs a mate or anything however.

By the way, it is called the 'cloaca'. not the 'ass'.

Try for more ideas.

Good luck!