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My tortoise attacked by a big dog

22 15:57:39

My tortoise was attacked on Thursday by a very large dog I immediately cleaned and bandaged him up then put him in a quite area for a few hours for him to recover and come back out of his shell  which he did and was slowly walking in to his bed area the following day I took him to the vet and they said his injuries were bad they gave him two injections and bandaged him up they said I should put him to sleep but I didn't agree he his still alert and moving around slowly, not sure what to do now, do I need to change his bandages and clean him every couple of days or leave them also what would I use to clean him, please please help me if you can.

Kind regards


First, you're toying with not getting any help by not following the instructions I have previously paid out. Do that FIRST. Next, use some punctuation here and slow down, otherwise I'm going to have some trouble understanding you with these run on sentences. Next, I need to know exactly what he was given by the vet, and I need to see photos of his injuries. I can in no way give a prognosis without even seeing him. If you want help, then follow my directions.