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I need to know

22 10:40:37

Dear Dana,

                  Hi I have a English angora Lop its from Holland. She has the cutest face ever lol. She is so affectionate. Her name is Gizma turning 4! She is 3 years old I just want to know how can I entertain her more so she doesnt seem so bord. And my petstore called Pet Goods said she needs to be outside for fresh air? So is it okay to put my rabbit on a leash? When I walk her? Today I will be getting her blessed by the Priest it is ST.Francis of Assisi feast day. She is my all and I love her so much. She sits on my head when I am laying down on the bed lol. She cracks me up. Anywho, I even am curious how do you get rabbit poop and pee off the cage it is stuck and dried I don't know how to get it off? There is a lot too! Help! me

Do you know any pet groomers in North New Jersey? That specialies in Rabbits? Thank you and may you have a happy holidays

Dear Jacqueline,

Your bunny is lucky to have such a loving "mom."  :)

For ideas on play and toys, here are some articles that will help:

In choosing a groomer, be *extremely* careful.  I have heard horror stories about rabbits dying at the hands of an inexperienced groomer.  I will not relate the details, as they are too horrible.  But the rabbit involved was an angora, and the groomer did not know rabbit anatomy.  Enough said.

If you feel you can't groom her yourself, then please contact the good folks at your local House Rabbit Society chapter, either the NJ chapter or the NYC Chapter:

for referral to good, experienced vets and/or groomers who can safely care for your beloved friend.

You might also consider the ultimate in entertainment for her (once she's spayed; unspayed/unbred female rabbits have a very high risk of uterine cancer!):  a neutered mate that *she* chooses.  :)  She will love you just as much, but you won't have to feel guilty about leaving her alone, since she'll have someone to keep her company while you're not there to love her.

Also, a companion bunny will keep her safe and secure if you ever have to go away on a trip and have a petsitter.  Having at least one familiar family member around all the time (i.e., her bunny husband) is good for her health and psyche.

I hope this helps.
