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Sick Conure

21 16:31:37

We have a 12 year old marooned-bellied conure that has suddenly begun to sleep all day and make himself very fluffy. He is still eating very well and otherwise appears to be well. He has always eaten large quantities of vegetables and fruits as well as his seed. The problem began soon after I purchased a new bag of large hook-billed seed instead of the small hook-billed that he usually eats. Could it be a bad batch of seed - or do you have any suggested treatments that we could try. Unfortunately we live in a very rural area and have no aviary veterinarians around us. Our local vet said that he has no experience with birds and is not willing to treat him. The nearest aviary vet is at least 3 hours away from us and I think the trip would further endanger the bird. Any suggestions you have would be appreciated. Thank you.

Hi, Marjie.  Thanks for posting!

Whenever you change a bird's diet, it can result in intestinal/digestive upsets/problems.  Also, seed can contain aflotoxins, which can be detrimental to a bird's health.  Sleeping all day and fluffing up feathers are both signs of possible illness.  Birds will continue to eat and act as normally as possible when they are ill.  When they become very ill is when we notice symptoms.  Unfortunately, it's often too late for the bird by the time we notice they are ill.  Since I cannot diagnose illness over a website, all I can do here is recommend you get your bird to an avian veterinarian for medical evaluation and possible treatment ASAP.  

If you can provide more detailed information, I might be able to help further, but I can't promise anything.
