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Breeding Macaws part two

21 16:15:59

Hi Dr Abbott,
I appreciate so much your knowledge and responnse to my first question regarding my brother's pair of Macaws.
As an update, we have attached an appropriate nesting box to the cage as well as making the additions to Soliel's diet as you advised. We put pine shavings in the box and are adding soft pine untreated wooden blocks to the inside as well as putting a ladder from the floor of the box to the opening so that the bird will have no problems getting out once they get in and to give the babies a way out once they are old enough. We don't have the ladders installed as of yet but are doing that today. So far the male has put his head inside the opening, checked it out., talked in it to hear the echo (along with yelling and laughing as well LOL) but hasn't ventured inside. Is this because we haven't added the ladder yet? They are definitely mating,. no doubt about THAT . Are we doing this right so far, and is there anything else we need to add to the box to make it more comfortable?
thanks so very much,

You're doing everything right that I can tell so far.  I'm not sure if I gave this to you before, but it's a good guide (it's for Hyacinths, but applies for B&G's too)

Make sure the shavings are absolutely from untreated wood though. This is something I'm always concerned about with wood.

You might find this interesting to know - but just about ALL macaws seem to love the sound of their own voices.  My in house bird has been singing into her food bowls since she was a baby.  She especially loves the acoustics of a bathroom.  It's one of the many endearing qualities of these wonderful birds.

  I want to be kept up to date on your efforts.  Remember, watching the female for any laying problems and having someone on call just in case this happens is vital (binding).  
 It would also be wise to have an incubator ready in case of parental failure to nurture and all nursery supplies, plus (again) a vet on call.  There's very little worse than having complications arise and watching a little one fail because you're not prepared.  
 I have to make these warnings you know?  Now that they're said, let's hope there's no complications whatsoever and new additions come spring.