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Princess Parrot

21 16:00:59

hello, i have a male princess parrot, i have had him for nearly a year i love him to pieces and he loves me to pieces but i recently got a Female and i thought i could tame her but i just can't, i got her as a birthday present 2 months ago and i have been working with her everyday but it just doesn't seem to work i have searched everything one told me to sing or talk quitely to her but that didn't work. is there any advice you could give me to help tame her because i want her to be like steve a parrot who LOVES and ADORES me. :)

--Don't give up.  These birds are a lifetime project, not something that has a fixed amount of time to train.   You say " just doesn't seem to work".  Which means you stopped trying and when you stop trying, the bird stops caring about trying and of course you're both going nowhere.

 The two permanent rescues living with me are taught new things every day - some of those things stick, other things take years and still other things don't seem to be working at all, but I'm never giving up.  Never.

It took me over a YEAR to get one of them to even TRY a carrot.  Every single day I offered carrots in some form.  Shredded, chunked, sliced, whole, mini, big, raw, cooked, partially cooked, soft cooked, diced, there are hundreds of ways to serve a simple carrot.

Even now that she eats them, she doesn't want one every day and some days she prefers cooked, some days she prefers pureed.  The point being that these are living things with incredible intelligence.  You don't have an end game here; you have a lifetime

Treat your bird like a child.   If one thing isn't working, try a variation, but you must never give up

----- And to help a little more, check my site out for a step by step