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bichon behavior getting worse

19 14:03:04

We have a house with a huge back yard and at the moment we cant afford to fence it in, someday we hope to though.I would try to let my dogs around the house but they would destroy it,  The bichon has escaped the kichen and went to the basement which is finished and he pees everytime,  no matter if he went outside or not.  I really want to let my dogs out of the kitchen, but the bichon would not only chew up everything in site but I have hard wood floors and oreintal rugs that I would not risk getting soiled,  we work in the carpet business and I know what dog pee does to carpets.  I have done all the potty training things right by the book and they are fine most of the time but are still pooping and peeing on the floor.  Oh by the way when i say my dogs i also have a 8 month old yorkie, which is way better behaved than the bichon.  I really want to thank you , your advice is really good compared to other people on the board.

Hi again stef;
If dogs pee,or poop, and you shampoo or scrub ubtil you can't s,ell a trace of the odor, the dogs can still smell it, and will tend to repet in the same spot.
I use simple solution. It comes in a formula for dogs and one for cats.
In fact, it is such a good stain remover, I use it for other stains in the laundry and on carpets.
I have grandchildren, and i let them have food and drinks in the den while they are watching movies, so I get some cute stains in there.
I get Simple solution at the Petsmart store here. I think Petco also carries it, and some other pet stores probably do.
If you scrub the basement floor with that, bet that might help with training them to not go there. It is supposed to remove the odor so the animla can't smell it.
Their sense of smell is so much more acute than ours, that they can smell what we can't.
Until you can afford to fence the whole yard ( expensive project, a kennel run while you are at work wiould probably help a lot.
I have a sheltie too. We took him when he was one and a half. He is such a well behaved little darling. He seldom has to even be told no, unlike my little Lhasa mix, Max, that has to be at least threatened with time out at least once a day. Even though he is 6 years old.
When we took him, he was 6 weeks old, and the cutest thing you ever saw. I foster fior a couple of rescue groups, and my son and daughter-in-law brought him to me one night, around midnight.
They had gone with her mother to see a liter to get her mom a puppy, and this one was left. They said there were several children that were throwing the puppy around, and they could tell his leg was hurt. They couldn't leave him in that place, and they couldn't take him to their apartment, so they brought him to me to see if I could find a home for him.
Well, I never considered putting him up for adoption. i latched onto him immeditely.
Our english Settewr was a female, and she made moves to take the puppy, but an australian shepherd male we had taken 6 months before, and kept, took that puppy over.
rowdy was just 1 year old, but he took over that puppy and treated it like he was is't mother.
He even slept with Max in his arms, and made sure the puppy ate and drank. He really mother henned him.
When the puppy would fly into his face, and cling to his cheek with a mouthful of face, he would just sit like "Can you believe this?"
I would, of course, unhook the puppy and correct him, and Rowdy would take him away from me, in a very indignant manner, and cuddle him.
He didn't like me yelling at HIS baby.
He spoiled that little brat something awful.
He still flies at rowdy, but he doesn't do other dogs that way.
He tried it with Silky, the Setter, and she put her mouth over his whole body and growled so, that puppy thought he had been eaten. We lost silky to old age a couple of months ago, but he never tried that with her for the rest of her life.LOl
When we took the Sheltie, Max tried it with him. He is older than the Sheltie,Laddie. Laddie whipped his little tail, so he has never tried it with him again.LOl
But he still dominates Rowdy, and Rowdy minds the little jerk.
I named him Maximillian, after the conqueror of Mexico, because that is what he did, moved in here and tried to become a dictator.LOl
Good luck with the little hellions.
Kids and dogs can sure try your patience, but there is nothing greater.
When we lost Silky, I figured to foster more and pick a puppy from them, but our son brought us another australian shepherd mix. He is Australian shepherd and Husky, and he has the samw sweet temperment Rowdy has.
a girl my son worked with had him, and he husband was really mean to him, so she gave the dog away and kept the husband.
Stupid girl, if a man will beat a dog, he will beat a wife and children.
I can't stand people who are mean to kids and animals.
Anyway, good luck, and write if i can help in any way.