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Diet for dog with Heart Disease and Early Kidney Disease

18 17:25:12

Hi Catherine,
I am very confused as to what to feed my dog.  He is an 11 year old ShihPoo with Mitral Valve Regurgitation and an enlarged heart.  The cardiologist just told me to start him on a low sodium diet.  She said his kidney values were a little high, but acceptable because of all the meds he is taking.  I've had others tell me to also get him on a good diet for his kidneys.  Here are his bloodwork numbers:

Alb   3/11   3.3    3/20  4.0    Range 2.2 - 3.9
Bun   3/11   33     3/20  54     Range 7 - 27
CA    3/11   11.1   3/20   10.9  Range 7.9 - 12
Crea  3/11    1.9   3/20   2.1   Range  .5 - 1.8
Phos  3/11    3.4    3/20  2.8   Range 2.5 - 6.8
Na    3/11    151   3/20   152   Range  144 - 160
K     3/11    3.8   3/20   3.1   Range  3.5 - 5.8
Cl    3/11    113   3/20   109   Range  109 - 122    

I would like to homecook for him, but am nervous about doing that.  I know calcium has to be added, but from what I read, it sounds a little confusing.  I would also like to know a few good commercial dog foods that I could feed him if I decide not to home cook.  If you need any other info, please let me know.  I appreciate your help SO much!

Thank you,

Hi Jane,

I'm very sorry to hear about your dog's conditions, but with something this serious I would need to work professionally with you to develop a suitable diet. The diet should provide moderately high and very bioavailable protein, with a correct fatty acid balance (eg high Omega3) and a full range of added nutrients, calcium is just one of many. I like to watch phosphorus with older dogs and you need also to keep an eye on potassium. Honestly, it's too risky to just use a generic diet or wing it yourself, not with a senior with heart disease.

If you wish to discuss a consultation please contact me at for more information, or visit my website at

If you're thinking of sticking with a commercial diet, here's what I would suggest:

But the issue here is sodium and I would suggest IF you can find this food, to contact the company and check on that to be sure it lines up with what your vet wants.
I would also suggest adding fish oils, Vitamin E (natural) CoEnzymeQ10 and taurine to the diet. but since I have very little information to go on here I'd suggest passsing all of this by your vet first.

Hope this helps a little, Catherine