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seizuers regarding yorkies

20 11:39:00

I have two yorkies not related, one is four years old and the other one is two.  The older one is having seizures more often than the two year old, my question is, is this common with yorkies?


Seizures are not exclusive to yorkies.  Small breeds are more susceptible to them than large breeds.  Of all the Yorkies I have had I only had one that had seizures regularly.  I am concerned about the fact that you have two yorkies and they are both having seizures.  Also, having seizures at the age of 4 and 2 is a concern because they usually don't start having them regularly until they are older.

The seizures take a devastating toll on their hearts and brains.  If the seizures are regular and are not being controlled with medication you run the risk of them dying during a seizure.  They are also very painful for the dog.  My yorkies body would bend in unnatural ways when she was having a seizure and it would just kill me to see her go through that.  She took phenol barbital daily and I always kept doggie sedatives on hand so that when she started having a seizure I would give her a sedative and it would slow the rapid heartbeat and help her get through the seizure faster.  Because of the toll the seizures took on her she died in my arms of a heart attack at the age of 11.

You need to take your babies to the vet as soon as possible.  They should be on phenol barbital now so that they do not die having a seizure and so that their life is not shortened because of the damage that seizures do to the heart.

That being said, how do you know that they are having seizures?  Can you describe what is happening when they have one?  How long does it last? How frequent are they having them?

If you can, let me know how it turns out.  I can totally sympathize with you and it breaks my heart remembering what my baby went through.