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perfumes, soft stool

20 11:37:40

First of all let me thank you for your enlighting advise. I read your thread on a daily basis since becoming a new mom to a beautiful 4 mo yorkie girl.
In between her weekly baths do you recommend any type of perfumes or scents?
Also I notice her poop sometimes to be loose just a step before diarrhea and frequent. Does this mean I'm overfeeding? And finally,  do you recommend any type of chewing items that would be safe, like rawhide bones, etc.


Oh my gosh I can't believe it, I have a fan lol :0)

Ok, seriously now, congrats on the new baby girl.  Be careful when bathing puppies.  I do not usually recommend bathing a puppy on a weekly basis.  I know that puppies can be messy and get dirty but wiping them down with baby wipes when they get a little dirty is a better idea.

Yorkies have sensitive skin and are also subject to skin allergies.  Both of these things combined with bathing can dry the skin causing them to get irritated.  If you must bath her try not to if you can find another way to keep her clean (like the baby wipes or a wash cloth.) Also, use baby shampoo (the kind for babies) because it is easier on the skin and won't sting their eyes if you accidentally get some in them while she is squirming around.  Another reason you should skimp on the bathing until she becomes about six months old is that it is relatively easy to get water in her ears or nose, both of which can cause big problems.

As for the perfumes or scents, I believe that the baby wipes have a scent and if that is not enough a little spritz of your favorite perfume (being careful to cover the eyes and nose) on her body will not hurt her.  The kind that groomers use after grooming them, in my opinion stinks so I never used the "dog" brands.

Puppies are like babies, never ending poop machines.  Frequent pooping is fine as long as it is not runny or watery. I do not think over feeding would cause runny stools.  Changes in their diet, illness, or worms are usually the problem when you have watery or runny stools.  If she has had all of her shots and been wormed but you still feel that her stools are runny then I would take her to the vet just as a precaution.

I always gave my puppies plenty of chew toys so that they would chew on the toys and not the furniture or my shoes.  Rawhide sticks are good because they can get their tiny mouths around them.  They are long and narrow which also prevents them from swallowing them.

Good luck with your baby girl and feel free to contact me again if you need more answers.