Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Yorkshire Terriers Yorkies > eating


20 11:39:00

My lovely yorkie seems to go through phases where she loves and gets excited
about her food and then gets bored with her food and just stops eating it!!! What
should i do to stop this cycle?


Absolutely nothing.  Yorkies are notorious for being picky eaters.  If she doesn't eat the food then she isn't hungry.  She may eat other things that you offer her but that is because it is different not because she is hungry.

Mine get table scraps and treats daily but they never get different food. Its really interesting but if I give them a bite or two of my dinner when I am through with it they will go eat their dog food when they know I am not going to give them anymore treats.  They sound pretty smart to me.

Another thing you might want to consider is that because yorkies are picky eaters they will not always be ready to eat when you think they should be.  For this reason I keep a bowl full of food down 24/7 so they can nibble all day long if they want to.