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Pulse rate.

20 9:49:29

Hi, I am a Fillmore Cental student and this year we are doing some science fair projects and I was wondering if you knew if an animal is being peted (a dog,cat, or horse) does it affect their pulse rate and how. Please respnd as soon as possible!!!!

             Thanks, Michelle

Hi Michelle!

To tell you the truth , I do not really know the answer.You can call your local vet and see what he knows about the question.I do have some other information though,about pule rates.

                For Dogs and Cats

   The heartbeat should be strong and regular.To check your pet's pulse,place your hand against his chest near his left elbow.Count the number of beats in 15 seconds, then multiply by four.
   In cats, the pulse generally runs about 120 beats a minute.For dogs, the rate ranges between 60 and 160 beats.(The heart always beats faster in puppies and kittens.)If your pet's pulse is considerably higher or lower than these rates, call your vet for advice.

I am really soory that I did not know the answer to your actual question but I hope the extra information is helpful!Good luck on your science fair project!