Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > Puppy Getting along w/other dog

Puppy Getting along w/other dog

20 9:46:02

QUESTION: We have a 2 yr old neutered male Golden Retriever and a 4 month old Yellow Lab puppy (female), who is crated.  When she is out of the crate for play time/eating/bathroom breaks, she "beats up" on our Golden, who is huge.  The puppy climbs on him, bites, chases and often provokes him. He does  "fight back".  Are these play behaviors or aggressive behaviors?  Is it a male-female conflict?  Is it a pack issue?
ANSWER: Hello this is a play thing and will turn into a pack ralted issue of who is top dog later on.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: OK  So it's a play thing now, but will turn into a pack issue.  How might I deal w/these conflicts?  Eventually they will both have full reign of the house.
And yes, the unconditonal love we receive fom them (and a cat) makes life richer.

Hello, No need to explain how wonderful having dogs is If you check my profile you'll notice I have three Pooches lol and could Not have it any otherway. Yeah my dogs do play like this all the time and sometimes get alittle rough with one another but everything always turns out ok I just reccomend not leaving breakable things around where they are able to play or they will be broken I've had fake flowers chewed paprt, garbage cans upturned,beds de-blanketed, plastic dishes shreded, toys destuffed and couch buttons removed when I wasnt paying attention so its important to watch your pup once it has run of the house with teh other dog one thing I've noticed is if one dog is chewing something its not supposed to have or getting itno something it shouldnt the other dog almost always follows suit! You can go the hard way and train the dogs to be cival in teh house if its possible but then you need to be sure they have a room/the yard they can tear around in for sometime daily or they wont be able to keep it on the down low indoors. Best of luck.