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wacko 6 mo black lab

20 9:38:09

Hi Labman--I inherited a black lab when he was 3-4 mos. He is a beautiful guy and he is also huge now at 6 mos.  I really think he came from a home that was not nice to dogs and I think there's some major issues that we need to address. I had him neutered and shots and all when I got him.  I should also tell you that I usually only adopt older dogs but this was a special case.  Anyway not to prattle on,  Duke is a maniac!  He torments the other dog
(9yr yorkie)constantly, you don't even want to know about the cat.  He eats everything in sight including his feces and anything in the litter box.  I saw that you said a black lab could eat himself to the grave but he's not overweight. He sometimes obeys and the next day forgets. Do you think at almost 7 mos obedience training could help? As I said, I think he came from an abusive home.  I also wonder that I'm not feeding him enough but there are no worms and the vet says he's healthy.  I hate to give up on him.  Anything you could help with?  I'm at my wits and tails end.  Thanks

Yes, do the obedience training.  I start at 7 weeks, but the conventional wisdom is more like 7 months.  Look for a puppy class.  Much before that, they don't have the immunity or attention span to attend classes with other dogs.  The key to most behavior problems is approaching things using the dog's natural instincts. Dogs see all the people and dogs in the household as a pack with each having their own rank in the pack and a top dog. Life is much easier if the 2 legged pack members outrank the 4 legged ones. You can learn to play the role of top dog by reading some books or going to a good obedience class. A good obedience class or book is about you being top dog, not about rewarding standard commands with a treat. Start at For more on being top dog, see

The best solution to stool eating, coprophagy, is cleaning them up before the dog has a chance. You can try food additives, the home remedies pineapple juice or canned pumpkin or the commercial products Forbid or Deter.

Why dogs do it is poorly understood. It may be diet related, but changing the dog's diet might cause worse problems. Whatever problems it causes for the owner, it doesn't seem to hurt the dog unless you are trying to clear up a worm infestation.

Once past 3 years old, many dogs don't want anything to do with puppies, their sharp little teeth, and their biting games.  You need to teach the puppy to leave the older dog alone.  As soon as the puppy starts to focus on the older dog, give it a sharp ''Ah, ah, ah!'' and offer it a chew toy.  

I never really understood the way most Labs eat until on visit to the zoo at the seal exhibit.  Aha, just the build Labs think they need for swimming in cold water.