Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Labrador Retrievers > Need help for my female black lab mixed with retriever

Need help for my female black lab mixed with retriever

20 9:35:21

One of the things that my female dog does is she will cover her food up and will get really protect of her food if the male lab goes to close to it. She also barks at everything. And also she goes of the deep end sometimes with the male dog and will bark at him or try and attack him. Also I have had my male dog first and he is two years old. And the female dog is oneyear and a bit she has had her second heat already. I treated both dogs the same way with alot of loving and caring but for some reason the female dog is always being nasted.My male dog will not put her in her place and there for this is going on. She does play with him but she is rough.The male dog is always scared of her but he does play too. Dont get me wrong I love my dogs I just dont know what to do with her she has so many issues she is always on guard and will not let my male dog relax Please help

First of all...SPAY YOUR FEMALE.  With that nasty temperment, that dog should never be bred.  

I would recommend taking the female to obedience class and share with the instructor the problems you are having at home.  There are things they can work on with you in class to help these issues.  Unfortunately, they require hands-on instruction.  

If possible, feed the female in her crate.  If you can't, feed them on separate sides of the kitchen.  Also, it is up to YOU to train the male dog to keep his nose in his own dinner bowl.