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GSD chasing & running off

19 17:43:37

My gsd bitch is 14 mths old & has always been hyperactive, overexcitable, scatty & generally difficult. I got the dog at 11 weeks, but, I made the mistake of not going to a reputable breeder. I have always trained her at classes & by myself since she 15 weeks old but she is just too difficult to handle. Whenever, she see`s another dog she has to run off & if that dog is chasing a ball then you have no chance of stopping her. I have tried using a 30ft lead & when she goes I stop her and say 'no' & then try to offer her something else to do but she is intent on getting to the other dog. Even if I am playing with her throwing balls for her to chase she will bolt off to other dog's. When she meets another dog I am unsure as to what her reaction will be as sometimes she is so overbearing and tries to dominate the other dog if it is smaller but with some dogs she can be ok. If she does meet another dog it is never a calm recation. If she see`s a dog across the street she can't take her eyes off of it & I know that whilst she is like this I can never let her off the lead. I have tried squirting her with water to deter her from trying to chase but this doesn't seem to work. I can only led her off the lead where theree is no one else about. I have already paid for a behaviourist to help but their advice was to run backwards with a tug toy but this just doesn't work. I really feel that I have a nightmare dog on my hands for the next 10 or more years. Do you have any advice?

Hi Ryan,  It sounds like you have a very dominate female, which is not uncommon in GSDs.  Female GSDs tend to not get along with other dogs as they get older, especially if they are female.  So she is basically already starting that behavior by wanting to go after other dogs.  This is something that has been evolving in GSDs for the past 20 years and seems to be getting worse as backyard breeders keep producing bad dogs.  Unfortunately, because it is genetic, you can not change it so no matter what you do, you will not be able to change the behavior.  You need to use your obedience training to your advantage by having her sit & stay whenever a dog goes by.  Do not have her far away as you have no control over her if she is at the end of a leash.  You need to have her right in front of you so you can correct her every time she breaks the sit stay while the dog walks by.  I would not trust her off leash at all because as she gets older, she probably will get worse about other dogs and you are libel to have fights crop up between them.    What are using to train her, prong collar, choke chain, head halter?  Let me know as I can give you more advice once I know what you are using to train her.
