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8 month old german shepard

19 17:21:34

Hi, I just got him the other day and he has been on a chain since he was a puppy and hasn't really had any training. So i'm wondering is there any good training things I could start with. He does sit here and there but when coming inside he tries to get in front but I try to make him sit prior but doesn't always work, so what would be good to get his attention, and on walks he likes to bark at just about any person or animal. Just hasn't had any social skills since has lived on a chain so anything help would be greatly appreciated.

I would start with basic obedience, working out of a book or attending class.  I like the Monks of New Skete The Art of Raising a Puppy or perhaps Puppy Primer, by Brenda K Skidmore and Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D. or Beginning Family Dog Training, by Patricia B. McConnell, Ph.D.

Expect slow going.  He is well past the age when puppies learn the fastest and easily accept new things.