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pet concern

19 17:09:58

My question is if there is anything beside pepcid ac that i give my 5 month old 7 pound mini dachsund he received his distemper combo shot and the vet states he is having a reaction to the vaccine he has diarrhea,vomiting and lathargic i was wondering if an OTC anti nauseamed would be ok to give?

Was the combo shot with an L in it?  DHLPP?  L is for lepto and dachshunds can have a severe reaction to it and no vet should be giving dachshunds the lepto combo shot.  You can try a little pepto bismol but I would not use pepcid.  Your vet should have been able to give a shot to control the nausea and diarrhea.  Did you check with your vet?  Reactions to shots can be deadly so keep an eye on him and get him to a vet if he gets worse.  I had a dog that had reactions and he was barely alive when I got him and it cost me a small fortune to have him treated but he was happy and healthy later and the best dog I could ever ask for.  At 5 months he should already have received a set of shots - did he have a reaction to those?  I wish your little one the best of luck and good health.  At 5 months he might get into the tweenie size rather than mini, but I bet he is a cutie!