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puppy goes crazy at night

19 16:59:27

QUESTION: I have a 4 month old pup called Billy, he is a Cavalier cross Beagle. He is home alone for 8 hours a day while I am at work. I take him for long walks when I get home, but he still goes crazy when we get home. He tears around the lounge room barking at himself and me, and he bites alot. They are just play bites, but they hurt alot and draw blood. He's pretty good most of the time, but he has a crazy hour and is uncontrolable. Anything I can do?

ANSWER: Any chance of getting a mid-day dog walker...doggy daycare?  Taking him to work with you?
8 hours is too long for him to be alone and the pent up energy accumulated is just too much for him.  A tired dog is a good dog :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your quick response. I used to go home and see him at lunch time, but my boss got cranky!! We were thinking about getting him another dog for company but didn't know if we could handle two dogs. Is there anything I can do about his biting? How do I teach him that biting humans is naughty?

A good long run in the morning would also help.

As for the "biting" - he's just a puppy and is trying to get your attention so it's not "aggression" but yes, he should be taught this is a no-no.

This is tricky because he's overly excited to see you.  First I'd try snapping his leash on him and instantly taking him out even for 10 minutes just to get past this "crazy moment".  It'll distract him and you can do his big walk later on.

Normally I'd advise the old "can of pennies" trick to stop this behavior.  You fill an empty pop can with about 15 pennies - tape the top shut.  Any biting/unacceptable behavior you just say NO and raise can up and bring down hard ONCE.  Then walk away.

A lot of bad puppy behavior is due to lack of exercise.  They have a ton of energy.  You really do need to get a dog walker or look into doggie daycare.