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American Bulldog Ears

19 16:21:48

My American Bulldog puppy is 4 1/2 months old and justs a few days ago, one
of ears sort of dropped.  It now flops forward on her face while the other still is
what I believe they call is the "rose shape."  I was wondering if this is a growth
thing or if she is going to permanently look this way.  Is there anything I can do?

She's teething and the calcium is drawn to her new teeth and away from her ears. You can glue the floppy one. Just fold it as the other one is and put some crazy glue between the flap that folds back and the back of the ear. Pinch them together and hold for several seconds. It doesn't hurt only takes off the hair eventually. It will hold the shape of the ear until she's gets her adult teeth.