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boxer shedding

19 15:50:59

my 4 year old boxer eats and eats but gains no weight.  He also shedds really really bad. i know he will shed a little bit but this is really bad. i just hope its not something serious    thank you

I apologize for the delay in answering, I've had hard drive issues!

Does he need to gain weight?  You want to just see the outline of the last 2-3 ribs in an adult Boxer; if you can't, they're too heavy, and if you can see all the ribs, or if the hip and spine are prominent, they're too thin.  If he is too thin, and is not gaining even when you've increased his food, a vet check is certainly in order.  It might be worms, or a metabolic disorder.  If he gets a clean bill of health, then you need to look at the food you're feeding him - it could be that he's just not getting enough nutrition from it.  Often the grain-free formulas, which are higher in protein and fat content, are better options for athletic breeds like the Boxer, who don't tolerate grains well in general anyway.  There is more information on dog foods here:

If the shedding is recent - and depending on where you're located - it may be seasonal.  Where I am, we've had some odd weather patterns with lots of fluctuations between warm and cold, and some extreme cold temperatures; usually when the winter is like that, the spring shed is much heavier than usual.  If he's been shedding excessively for quite some time, or if he's got bare patches of skin, again a vet visit is in order.  Hypothryoidism is common in Boxers, and can cause hair loss; the most typical symptom is weight gain, not weight loss, but it would be worth checking anyway as not all dogs will have all the symptoms.

Good luck!