Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Bichon Frise > crying


19 15:09:31

my bichon is 9 weeks old and continently crying even when he has been cuddles and played with he then walks round crying, or gets under the couch and sits crying, i don't no what he is crying for. he goes in garden to play and use toilet and has had his dinner but still cries
any ideas why you think he is crying?

Heidi at 9 weeks he is missing his litter mates and his mummy.

It is a traumatic time for these little doggies after being separated from their surroundings, at 9 weeks he is having what is referred to as a fear stage  and its all normal.
Occupy him by playing some fetch games for 5 mins.
I would advise crate training him (articles here ) or you can look at my website for topics that will help you
I would also advise a thorough health check and no going outside until he has completed his vaccine protocol which should be discussed with your veterinary surgeon.
I would also not be holding him too much as this encourages separation anxiety. I would ensure he has a balanced diet with meat vegetables and lots of fresh water to lap up.
I would also advise no rear leg walking or jumping off high furniture or steps and stairs until he is 12-18 months old as this will lead to patella luxation.

Good luck