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Stubborn Beagle

19 15:01:11

Hello we have a beagle puppy who is 4 months old. We got her from a breeder when she was 7 weeks. She has been a great puppy except she has picked up on being stubborn in the house. She will not come when called. She just sits and stares at us when we are trying to call her. Everytime we approach her she plays chase or if we reach down to pet her she backs up like she is timid. She has never been hit or anything. This behavior just started about 1 month ago. She will follow us around the house but when it comes time for us to want her to come, she will look at us like we are nuts. She is very quiet, she doesn't bark. Is this something she will pick up on or did we get lucky?  

How inconsistent are puppy bladders? She will pee every hour one day then she will hold it the next. Just wondering.

Thank you for your help,


Hi Meagan!
Congrats on your beagle pup.... unfortuntely breeders tend to let puppies go way too soon for their own good to minimize their expenses andmaximize their return. Minimum age should be 8 weeks and preference is 12 weeks. Your pup has missed out on some valuable pack lessons about socializing. She willhave to learn these things from her new pakinstead.

Your beagle pup is just a baby and will only learn what you have taught her. At this age it takes doing it over and over and over for it to stick. I would suggest a Puppy Kindergarten class or get a book on basic obedience training and work on one thing at a time. Sit should be the first thing she learns, then down and then come. At this age everything is a game, so if you run towards her she thinks you are playing chase, try running away from her and see if she will follow you. Beagles respond especially well to treats. At four months she will only be able to retain basic commands and without constant reinforce ment not too well. Best age for regular obedience classes is about 10-13 months. I then recommend taking them back yearly for refreshers.

As far as the barking, being a beagle she will at some point begin to bark or bay. Some are more vocal than others but it would be VERY unusual for her to never bark. I think she is just timid and not sure of herself yet.

The housebreaking thing.... well at four months her bladder is able to hold it around five hours. The standard is one hour longer than the months old they are. But have you done formal housebreaking training? If not you will not get consistency. If you would like for me to send you my housebreaking instructions email me back with your direct email address and I will send it. Mine is