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Something is wrong with my beagle

18 15:49:50

I have a 5 year old beagle who is the perfect pet until about 1 week ago.  She has never had an accident in the house and is very docile.  This past week she has been vomiting at least twice a day and it is uncontrollable (on the floor, bed or where ever she is at the time.) The substance is mostly dogfood (we have not changed her food in over a year.)  Her stomach seems to be churning alot and she seems to be real timid (like body shakes--you would think that I have just scolded her) I live several miles from the nearest vet and being the weekend I don't know what to do.  Do you have any ideas?
Thanks,  Tammy

Hi Tammy.  Getting her to a veterinarian ASAP is crucial at this point in time.  It sounds as though she has an intestinal obstruction, which means that she has either eaten something that is stuck in her intestinal tract, or that her intestines have twisted (called "Bloat").  Because of this, what she eats can not pass properly through her digestive system.  Immediate veterinary care is needed, especially since this has been going on for a week.  Without treatment, this may be a fatal ailment.  Please let me know how it goes.  Call the veterinarian in which you are closest too and see if they either have emergency hours or an emergency contact number.
Best of luck and give that little girl tons of kisses for me,