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my cat is acting strange

18 14:41:53

My 1 year old Siamese cat has been acting strange since I let her inside the house this morning. She slept outside last night and I found her on the windowsill. Usually, she runs inside, but she just laid there. When I brought her inside, she just laid there and looked very groggy. Her inner eyelids kept closing and it looks like she may be drooling a little bit. She is usually very active and rambunctious and if she is just laying down, then she is always purring and meowing. She hasn't moved all day, not even to eat or drink. Could she have been bit by a snake or something? She doesn't appear to have any physical injuries. Thanks for your help.

I would tell you to get this cat to the vets first thing in the morning. She sounds like she was hit or licked some antifreeze up. If that is the case she needs to be seen tonight by a vet- that is a true emergency.

The third eyelid coming up usually indicated dehydration. The drooling worries me too. Cats don't eat tainted food with poison but they will get into antifreeze.

Snake bites are pretty obvious by the punctures and bleeding. She could have eaten a blue-bellied lizard which will make them sick, but it's doubtful.

Please get her to the vets or call them at least and tell the answering service you need to speak to your own vet. Be firm and call now.