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Whats best for my aquarium?

23 11:12:58

I currently have a 12 gallon eclipse tank with 3 presilla tetras  and 1 black ghost knife fish that's currently about 3 inches long. I am planning on upgrading the to a 35 gallon tank for the knife fish but am wondering what might go well with him. I rented a book at the library called encyclopedia of aquarium and pond fish by david alderton and found a couple fish i liked and was wondering if any of them would be suitable for a 35 gallon tank . Some are Glass Catfish, Whiptail Catfish, Red-Spotted Lepard Disus, Coolie Loach, or a Cuvier's Bichir.  

That's a Fantastic book. I use that one the most out of all of mine. Anyways, those would all work. I have kept discus in a 35 gallon tank, but it can be quite hard to do in a tank that small if you have not owned discus before. Have you?
Forgive me if you have, but just a few general tips about discus in small tanks: make sure the tank has been set up for at least 6 months. The water changes every few days is not nessecary for short term health, but I found out the hard way with my first discus it is needed for long term health. Keeping the decorations to a minimum makes maintainence easier. Get 3-4 discus for a tank that size. The others are easy.