Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > red belly baby slider

red belly baby slider

22 16:02:52

me and my son had a friend give us a red belly slider turtle out of her pond, we was wondering,1st does it have a good chance on survile, 2nd how should we make home in the start, more water or land? we have 8 turtles outside that we have cared for like 2 years, and we love them but this baby we know needs more than ones outside! if you can help we would love it, if not we thank you aanyway!

Hello April,

Thank you for saving this lil one.
She will need water at least 3 times her whole body. THis means that if you measure her from the front of shell to back end it will need to be 3 times as deep.
also she will need a basking area where you will need to provide heat and her ubv.

Can you tell me abou ther set up