Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > if i am stressed is my rabbit stressed too

if i am stressed is my rabbit stressed too

22 11:19:12

can a rabbit feel its owner in stress and make it not eat or play like he was before . he dont eat  he just sits  like there is no tomorrow i need help with him  he dont have a runny nose or diarea he wont drink water  please help he is about 5 months old hes litter trained and lives in a house never been outside his name is cocoa  

Some animals do, but generally not enough to make them stop eating and drinking.  If he hasn't had anything to eat or drink in over 24 hours, this is a medical emergency and he needs to see a rabbit-knowledgeable vet.

You can find information about emergencies at and a list of vets at

Good luck.
