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dissabled rabbits swollen testicals

22 10:42:54

I have been looking after a wild rabbit, he was run over on the road outside my house 7 months ago. He has a suspected broken back. Although his back legs have movement, he cannot use them as normal. He is generally happy and lively, he scoots about on the floor with 2 other rabblit and a ginny pig. He eats well and is very friendly towards me. He is a common wild grey rabbit and has grown to be about 23cm long from nose to rump (not inc legs) He has over the last 2 months suffered from a swolen testical. This became very sore looking and the vet gave him Baytril and matacam. This was a one week dose and worked very well. Although the swelling never compleatly went away, he was much more comfortable and provided i bathed him every day he seemed fine.  But over this last weekend i noticed that both testicals has become enlarged and he is obviously very sore. I phoned the vet again and they have asked me to come in tommorow, but i was told that there may not be a lot that can be done. Could you please advise me, is there anything you could recomend.

Dear Julie,

I don't think the vet you're seeing is very experienced with rabbits, because the most obvious solution to this problem--assuming the bunny is a reasonable surgical risk--is castration.  Whether the swelling is due to an abscess or cancer, the testicles are probably best removed.

An experienced rabbit vet should be able to do this surgery without problems.  You can find one here:

I hope this will help.
