Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Rabbits > sore leg

sore leg

22 10:02:57

I have recently found a baby rabbit and I noticed that it could not
move one of its hind legs.  

What should I do to help it??


you need to contact a wildlife rehabilitation center near you and see if they can take the rabbit and get his leg back to normal.  Generally you can call local rabbit rescue groups or animal shelters and ask about wild animal rehabilitation groups and they can steer you in the right direction.  You can also go to the House Rabbit Society web site ( and contact them about finding a rehab group in your area you could give him to.  

Otherwise, you will need to 'adopt' it and take it to a good rabbit vet right away for treatment.  go here to find a good rabbit vet:

to find a House Rabbit Society recommended vet near you.

I'd try the first option I mentioned first, as I am assuming this is a wild rabbit (looks like a cottontail rabbit). If he is any other color than cottontail (and in some cases there are agouti domestics that look like cottontails), he's a domestic rabbit and you can just own him with no problem and take him to the vet.