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Baby rabbit from accidental incest litter

22 9:51:59

Brother jumped the barrier and impregnated his sister. 6 kits were born one didn't survive, 3 are healthy. 2 were abandoned by Mum and we've been hand feeding, they are readily taking kitten milk but have difficulty sitting up and moving around. They appear to have an imbalance and roll around in circles. Is incest the problem here or something else?

Dear Belinda,

It is truly impossible to know whether the babies are exhibiting something related to a recessive genetic condition that they inherited from both parents.  It could be that they are simply less robust because they are not getting mother's milk.  If you can send a video of the problem, and post it on YouTube or other venue, I can have a look and see what is going on with them.

But I hope you are able to raise them into healthy little rabbits.

Once everyone is weaned, it's time to have mama spayed and papa neutered so this doesn't happen again:

I hope all goes well and that all the babies thrive.
