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my bunny,help am worried

22 10:39:17

well today in the morning i went to go check on my bunnies and one of them had white stuff all over one eye and i took her in and washed her eye and her nose had white stuff two, then i went in 3 hours to go check on them again and the same bunny still had white stuff and when i pressed her eye, a lot of white stuff came out ,please tell me what i have to do to help her..

Dear Yaidelin,

Your bunny needs to be seen by a good rabbit vet ASAP.  Find one here:

Runny eye coupled with runny nose oozing pus usually means there is a molar root abscess, and the vet may need to put the bunny on appropriate, rabbit-safe antibiotics, so it's *imperative* to make sure the vet knows rabbit medicine!  Please read:


Please also ask about pain management.  Rabbits do not show pain, as they have an instinct to not attract predators with sick behavior, but they feel it.  A rotten tooth is *painful.*  Please ask the vet about metacam and/or tramadol for relief while the infection is being treated.

I hope this helps.
