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Taming a Budgie

21 16:41:46

Hi, I've had my budgie for a month now, and I bought him as a
healthy bird at 6-8 weeks of age.  It's been my determination to
get him tame and used to humans.  The first few days I left him
alone to get used to his surroundings, and once he was, I began
offering millet to him from my hand.  A day or two after I started
doing this he would eat millet from my hand, even though I
would have to wait a while before he actually started eating.  

Since I got him, I talk to him quite regularly just to get him used
to me.  I've had him out of the cage a few times now, and when
he's out on the floor (his wings are clipped) he sometimes goes
into a state of panic where he just tries to get away, but will
calm down after a while.  I can get him onto my hand when he's
on the floor, but if I don't block his view he'll sometimes try and
fly off.  Sometimes he acts very good -- once he's relaxed and
on my hand, as he was yesterday, he climbed onto my shoulder
and chewed my shirt, acting perfectly at ease.  Other times
though, such as today, I put my hand in his cage to try and take
him out and he avoids me.  When I put my hand up to him, he
either hops on and jumps off again, or leaves his perch to avoid
me altogether.

I'm just not sure where to go from here.  I've never grabbed him
since I've owned him because I don't want him to distrust me.  I
try not to chase him with my hand.  I just want him to be a tame
pet, and I kind of feel like I've been waiting a month with not
very satisfying results.  What can I do to get him tame?

Hi, Steel.  Thanks for posting.

You're doing very well with your budgie it seems!  Couple of suggestions/some information...

- Sometimes birds don't like being on the floor.  They feel very vulnerable on the floor.  Besides this, parrots always like to perch on the highest place in an area they can get to.  Keeping wings clipped helps prevent them from getting too far up where we can't reach them!  So, don't be too alarmed when your budgie panics when on the floor.  S/he just feels nervous at that particular time for whatever reason.

- Most parrots don't like their humans to approach them when they are in their cage (some do, some don't).  Their cage is their safety zone, their territory, their domain.  Also, they think they are being "cornered" so the fight, flight or bite response kicks in.

- Parrots don't always want to do what we want them to do when we want them to do it!  Keep this in mind.  However, you need to be in control of your bird.  When your budgie hops on/off your hand, s/he's telling you "I don't want to come out right now."  But, you also have to teach your budgie that you rule the roost.  A good way around this situation is to set specific times during the day that you interact with your budgie.  Once the routine is down, your budgie can do what he needs to do at certain times, and can expect you to come for him at certain times.  You're right, you don't want your budgie to fear your fingers/hands, but sometimes you just have to pick that bird up and bring him out!  You don't have to grab s/he...gently place your hand around s/he and set the bird on the top of the cage.  Depends on how stubborn s/he is going to be.  Be aware though that at this age, s/he is going to try you to see what you'll allow s/he to get away with.  You must set the boundaries.

- Birds will try to get back to their cage when they want to if they can see their cage.  Therefore, there might be times when you might want to move the cage into a different room than where you and the budgie are to prevent s/he from focusing on it's cage.

Sounds like you're off to a good start with your new budgie.  Build up as much trust as you can, as this is the key.  When a bird trusts you, you can do most anything with the bird because s/he knows you'll never do anything to bring harm.  Do as you've started and allow the budgie to sit with you as you watch TV, mess on the PC, play X-Box, have dinner, shower, etc.  

Come back if you need to.  Thanks.
