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Ring Necked Parakeets

21 16:34:23

I have a pair of ring necked parakeets who have lived together happily in an aviary for 6 years. Last March they laid eggs on the floor of their shed and hatched 2 babies who are in the aviary with them I didn't expect them to breed with no nest box. In May the female was attacked by a rat and had to have a leg amputated. She was coping really well. We built them a new aviary which is completely rat proof and has a opening divider between the
flights as I intended to separate the parents from the babies during the breeding season to prevent aggression although I have no desire to breed from them again. Yesterday the male attacked the female really viciously. She has survived but is badly cut. I have put her in a cage  in the house to recover and shut him in one side of the aviary and the babies are in another. The new aviary has boxes that they sleep in at night. Would it prevent the aggression if I removed the sleeping boxes? Will the female and the babies be safe or will they need to be permanently separated? The male is very upset about being separated although he can see the others?  

First of all if the female is badly cut she needs to see a vet straight away as birds can die if they loose even a small amount of blood and she will be suffering from shock. She will def need antibiotics or she could get an infection which could also kill her. She cant go back in with the male until she is completely recovered, she is already weak from having one leg and it may not be a good idea to put her back in with him at all. You may need to find him a friend that is more of a match for him. The babies probably wont be safe, theres no way of knowing if removing the boxes would change this and if he is attacking "really viciously" then next time he could kill one of them.