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Wild Peach Cheek Love Bird

21 16:00:57

I just moved and find that I have wild love birds that frequent
my backyard bird feeder.  One bird seems to have a split lower beak growing out on each side of the top beak.

Is there anything I can provide to help with this condition? I am assuming that this is not normal.  Can this condition improve
without intervention?

Thanks for your consult on this matter.


-- An injury as you describe is not likely to repair on its own.  It's also very possibly not actually an injury, but a nutritional symptom or sign of other disease.   Sometimes it's a hereditary problem.
Unless you're a qualified veterinarian with an avian specialty, I'm afraid there is nothing you can do beyond reporting this bird to wildlife control and insisting on a rescue to take place.

 If you offer to help them in supporting this bird after treatment (probably involving surgical repair), they might train you to serve as a wildlife caregiver and provide you everything you need to 'foster' this bird through recovery.

With a caregiver ready and willing, it's possible they'll spend the time and effort required to save him rather than 'not'.

The hard fact is that this poor bird is not only vulnerable to predators in this condition, but a slow, painful death from malnutrition in not being able to eat the wide variety of foods required.  Remember, what you see them eat at the feeder is not all they eat in a day.  

Psittacines eating nothing but seed blends are doomed to a very health-complicated and shorter lifespan than birds that eat as nature intended.

  I hope this works out for you and for the bird.  Good luck

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