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Peach face Lovebird

21 16:28:53

  I have a peach face lovebird that I've had since December of 2006. He won't stop pooping on me and he won't stop biting me when he doesn't get what he wants. Also, how can I train him tricks? He doesn't seem interested in learning anything. Could you give me some advice?

Love birds are one of the more agressive species. The fact that he won't stop pooping on you is a bird thing the best you can do is drape something over yourself while you handle him or you will be constantly washing clothes :)- I have made several "birdy aprons" just for this purpose. About biting, Like I said lovebirds have a big bird attitude You can gently blow on him when he starts to bight this is the most efective and then put him back in his cage for a quick timeout if he gets really nippy. Sometimes Sidney my conure gets really nippy when he is tired of being out and wants to go back home. As for actually training tricks there are a few good books out there and bird talk has a few articles every month or so I tend to let my birds be birds so to speak so am not very expereinced in the trick department.---Kelli