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Amazon Parrot Health

21 16:32:03

I've noticed a lump by one of the ears of my Amazon parrot and I'm not sure if i should be concerned about it or not.
Do you have any idea why this lumb is there and should I have it treated by a Bird Vet?

Hi, Rick.  Thanks for posting!

No, I have no idea why there's a lump there.  If you can provide more details about the lump, such as size, hard/soft, how long it's been there, does your bird seem bothered by it, does it bleed, does it ooze, is your bird showing signs of illness, what type of diet, etc., I might be able to help more.  However, you may end up needing to take your amazon to an avian veterinarian for an evaluation.  A lump could be cancer, a cyst, some type of parasite under the skin, an impacted feather, etc.  I don't have the advantage of seeing this in person.
