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My two Cockatiels

21 16:18:08

I was given two cockatiels about 4 months ago by a friends inlaws. They moved away and couldn't bring them.I don't know anything about them but I can tell you they are so frightened of me or anyone in my family.They are less than a year old.I try so hard to make them come to me but they climb to the back of the cage and shake. I don't know what would make them do this. Whenever I put my hand in the cage they go crazy. I want to touch them and hold them so badly but I can't get near them. Do you have any idea why they are like this and what I can do to change it? Thanks so much for you time.

Hi, Carmela,

These birds aren't tame.  They climb to the back of the cage and shake because they are afraid of your hand.  When you put your hand in their cage, you are actually "cornering" them (from their point of view).  This scares them of you even more.  If you want to be able to handle these birds, you need to start a taming process with them.  This will be difficult with 2 birds because birds prefer other birds to humans.  This process will be time consuming and you have to have patience with the birds.  They are only acting as they have learned...They have not been properly socialized to humans, they have been frightened of humans in the past, and they don't trust humans.  Your goal would be to build trust with your birds and vice versa.  Do not put your hand in their cage to bring them out.  Open the cage door and allow them to come out on their own.  If their flight feathers aren't clipped, you should have this done by a professional so you can work with them easier.  Clipping flight feathers, if done properly, will not allow them to gain altitude when they fly, thereby, allowing you to have some control over them when they are out of their cages.  Visit my website for more information on taming:

You'll need to work with each of them, perhaps individually, at least once per day, if you want them to be handleable.
