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my bird had a seizure

21 16:07:04

My 11 year old parakeet recently got himself stuck between his seed cup and his cage floor. we released him and he was not hurt. We are concerned because he had seizures for an hour after the ordeal. He is very quiet and immobile, but he screams if we go near the cage.
  Please respond quickly, we are very worried about our baby.

Ok this is likely a stress seizure. This probably happened when he panicked from getting stuck. I think that you need to take him to an avian certified Veterinarian right away as they will need to see if there was any damage to the brain. Also, this could possibly be a sign of seizures in the future and he may require medication for that. I really can only advise you to call the vet and have your parakeet seen right away.
Thank you and Good Luck!