Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Mouse is vibrating!

Mouse is vibrating!

21 15:16:06

QUESTION: Dear Natasha,
   yesterday I bought two mice, Lola and Darla.  When we were driving home from Petco Lola was jumping against the walls of the box , and once i opened it and she jumped right into my lap!  when her and Darla were first into the cage she was on the bars and chewing them i tried giving her a wood chew block but she wouldn't take it.  after a while she went to the upper floor and slept in the food bowl were she stayed all night.  When i woke  up and checked on them this morning Lola's eyes kind of squinted and she was sneezing.  her coat also doesn't seem as sleek as Darla's.  Maybe it's just because darla is black and Lola is white and light brown so Darla's is more noticeable.  Lately, when lola walks she's not as smooth or flowy as Darla, she kind of staggers a little.  But it might just be me paranoid......Lola is a little bigger than Darla too.  Do you think she is okay?


ANSWER: Dear Braylee,

Unfortunately, Lola is sick. If you are not yet in love with her, you can return her to the pet shop. In either case you must tell them they have sick mice. And get your mice from another store in the future.

If you decide to keep Lola, she needs to be treated with antibiotics. She ought to go to the vet. If you can't do that, here is a link to a description of a home remedy using an inexpensive antibiotic formulated for fish:

She certainly ought to get better with proper treatment. I wish her good health.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Natasha,
I forgot to mention this but I had been watching Lola in the pet store for about three weeks before my dad actually let me buy her and she didn't appear to be sick at all.  Can mice be allergic to plastic because she only seems to sneeze when she is on the top floor, but that is where she sleeps.  also, when she is in the food bowl (on the top floor to) she doesn't appear to sneeze but she has her head at the very bottom so i don't know if she is.  Another thing is that when she is in my hand she literally vibrates! is that normal? i only purchased her five days ago.  I heard that giving them dry bread and milk helps, does it? If it isn't that she is allergic then my dad and I will go to Petco immediately after school.

Thanks again,

Dear Braylee,

If she is vibrating she is very, very happy, so you mustn't get rid of her because she loves you! All you have to do is treat her for possible illness, and if that doesn't work, you can experiment to determine her allergies. She can't be allergic to plastic, but she might be allergic to the cleaner you used on the plastic. I suggest only rinsing the cage without any soap for the next two times. It will only smell a tiny bit.

So you do need to go to the pet store, but not to return her, to get the fish tetracycline to cure her. Then follow the instructions at the link I gave you. If the sneezing doesn't stop in three days, write back and I will help you to test for allergies.

You have found a very special mouse. We call that vibrating purring, and not every mouse does it. Give her lots of love!

