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Losing Quills?

21 14:50:15

My hedgehog is losing some quills on her back. There is a small bald spot, but you can only see it when she is in a ball. She is only 18 weeks old. I bought a bottle of flax seed oil and I plan to give her a little with her food, to make her skin less dry. What else should i do?

Hi, dose she have mites? Mites can make a hedgehogs skin very dry and can cause quill loss, is she stressed? that could also be a cause of the quill loss.

Try the flax seed oil and see if it helps any, she could also be allergic to the food you are feeding her, I had a hedgehog who was alergic to egg and she lost alot of quills, I figured it out after a while and I stopped giving he regg and now shes fine.

She could also be going through a late de-quilling stage, im not too sure when they go through the de-quilling but that could also be it. Has she had this bald spot for a long time?

Hope this helps a little but im not a vet, I cant say forsure shes loosing her quills.
best of luck