Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hedgehogs > Basics


21 14:50:25

Hello, I Would like another pet sometime next spring or summer. I like exotic pets, I currently have dogs and a bearded dragon....I've never been a big fan of bunnies/guinea pigs/hamsters or mice or even cats. I was hoping you could help me decide if a hedgehog would be good for me?

I'd have to keep him in my bedroom do they make any sounds during there awake hours? I can not have a noisy pet in my room and theres nowhere else in our fairly small home to place a even small cage.

How big of a cage is really needed i have found many mixed reviwes on cage sizes, I do know i could take the hedgehog out a few days weekly.

Are they easy to care for? I don't enjoy taking hours and hours of my week changing cages or mixing foods,

How much time daily does a hedgehog need for cleaning/feeding/matiance in genrel?

Thank you for any help you can offer, we hope to hear from you soon, happy holidays.

They are very noisy at night. If the hedgehog has to live in your bedroom, it could be a problem. THe cage should be as big as possible. 10 gallon fish tank size is much too small as you5r hedgehog is going to need a wheel and they like to have space. They can injure themselves if they feel like they don't have enough space.

Hedgehogs are very sensitive to light, so try to keep them out of the sun and keep the lights not bright.

The cage needs to be cleaned completely weekly, and so does the wheel as hedgehogs "go" on the run.

They should be fed once a day at about the same time in the evening.

They don't take a lot of time. Not as much as a do at least.