Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Hedgehogs > Hedgies


21 14:50:19

Hi, I was just wondering were to get a hedgehog? I know of one place only. I live in central Alberta if that helps?

Your best bet is going to be to do a web search for breeders in your area.  You can also ask at your vet or at local pet stores, although I wouldn't suggest buying from a pet store unless you really trust them. It isn't impossible to find a good hedgehog in a pet store, but far too often they offer lesser quality animals with no support or guarantee, so I hesitate to suggest purchasing from one unless you feel VERY secure in dealing with them and are impressed with the quality of the animal they are offering.  Unfortunately hedgehogs aren't as popular as they once were and it can be difficult to find a good breeder within driving distance. You can find some further information on interviewing a breeder and what to look for in a hedgehog at  Please don't hesitate to ask if you have other questions.  :)