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Hedgehog pet

21 14:50:15

I am a 9 year old boy who wants to buy a hedgehog. My parents want me to do research. I have two questions for you. First, Which makes a better house pet, male or female. And two, where can i buy one. The petstores near me don't carry any and neither does the exotic pet store. Please help!

I have seen far more personality difference between any two hedgehogs than I ever have between males or females as a group.  The most important thing is finding a breeder who breeds for good temperament animals and socializes the babies well.  This should assure you of a friendly pet that you can enjoy.  To do more research I would suggest going to  There are a ton of articles there that cover every aspect of hedgehog ownership.  The site also has a breeders listing, and hopefully you will be able to find a breeder close to you who can help you out.  Just let me know if you have any other questions!

Laura Tong
PogStar Hedgehogs