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spike injury

21 14:50:14

We have a second hand hedgehog who is very nervous about being handled,
despite our efforts to be super gentle and respectful with him.  One time
when he spiked I got poked in my finger, which was not a big deal, but two months later, it hasn't healed.  It is a little inflamed red lump on my finger
and you can still see the hole.  It is obviously not serious but it is bothering
me that it hasn't healed yet.  Any suggestions?  And do you think our
hedgehog will come around with consistent gentle handling?  I have the
feeling that he'd really prefer to be left alone.

hello, if your hedgehog is new in your home he could possibly just be nervous, if you have had him for a while he could just be grumpy!

Some hedgehogs do like there space but if you keep on being gentle and kind to him he should edventually come around, offer him lots of treats like mealies.

As for your finger you should go and get that checked on! It should of started to heal within the first 24 hours! It could e badly infected proventing it from healing. Did you know hedgehogs 'throw up' on there quills? The acid juices from his stomach might of been on the quill that poked your skin.

You should go ahead and get your finger looked at just incase, as for the hedgie he should edventually come around, just remember some hedgehogs like there space more then others, just keep working him and he might come around!