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bedding/picking a hedgehog

21 14:50:14


I was wondering out of a group of hedgehogs which one to pick? I am buying a hedgehog soon and most likely from a well run petstore but I am not sure how to pick one from a group of friendly ones?  

Also what bedding can be used that is not made of wood/straw/hay, is Not overly dusty and hopefully doesn't cost an arm and a leg? I was wondering if newspaper/shredded newspaper would work ok? with a warm sleeping place in the cage such as those cloth ferret enclosed style beds/tunnels?   Any useful advice is really apprecated as this is my first hedgehog.

Don't put any cloth in a hedgehog cage. The threads may come loose and wrap around the hedgehogs leg. they will not stop to detangle themselves and can cut or slice off their legs. I use Care Free in my cades. It is a paper pulp product. I wouldn't use newspaper with print, but if you can get ahold of some plain newspaper that hasn't been used, that would be ok, but not loved by your hedgehog.

Look for a hedgehog that is sociol. If they are all friendly, it shouldn't matter which one you get.

You will want to sociolize with your hedgehog daily, and allow the hedgie out of the cage to play. You will also want a large wheel. my little guy is so forceful with his running that i have to tape the wheel down.

When it comes to cages, bigger is better. Too small of a cage and your hedgie will try to harm himself.

good luck. many of the books on the market are out dated so use them with a grain of salt.