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Strange lump on my hedgehog

21 14:49:30

Hi Laurel,

I have a 2 and a half year old hedgie. A few days ago I noticed a lump on his hind quarters. It is quite large and red. I took him to the vet, he didn't seem especially knowledgable about hedgehogs. He said he could cut it out but would make quite a large incision. I can't imagine that my hedgie would survive after the process or how good a quality of life he would have. The surgery is also quite costly. The lump does't seem to be bothering my hedgie too much as he is still eating and acting mostly normal. It seems cruel to just leave the lump as it will continue to grow and could cause him pain, yet it seems cruel to put him through the surgery or to put him down. Have you ever gone through this with a hedgehog? Would he be able to survive the surgery and recovery?


Hi, Elizabeth:

I am very sorry your hedgehog is sick.

For what it is worth, here is my experience.  Unfortunately, these lumps are usually some kind of aggressive cancer.  Your vet should be able to test this hypothesis -- or you could go to some other vet who knows more about hedgies.

If the hedgehog is acting normally now, he could probably survive and recover from the surgery.  But I would expect the lump to start growing back within 2 to 4 weeks.  Then you are back to waiting and watching to see how your little guy is getting along.

At some point, I think it will become apparent that he is ready to Cross the Bridge.  With hedgies, this is often signified when they stop eating.

Enjoy your little friend while you can.  They do not usually have a long time on this earth, but they still have a profound effect on their human caretakers.

Wishing you strength, courage, and

Hedgie Blessings,
