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Hedgehog dragging hind leg

21 14:49:28

hello laurel

i have a four month old hedgehog and he seems to be dragging his hind leg. It started out on one hind leg and now its both, i dont have a vet where i live, I have read your reply to smith about possibility of sprain or strain and even arthritis. so my question can it be cured because I am willing to go the distance looking for a vet

Hi, Syafiq:

What you describe is very worrisome.  You are doing the right thing to find a vet.  I suspect your hedgehog might have Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome, although I am hoping that something else could be causing the symptoms.

WHS cannot be cured and is eventually fatal, because the paralysis travels up the body.  All you can provide is hospice (e.g., syringe feeding, Sub-Qs, etc.).  Nevertheless, I have had two wobblies, and I was able to give them a pretty good quality of life for quite a number of months.  If you can't face caring for a wobbly, but don't want to euthanize, there are people who will take the wobbly and care for it.  Check out the hedgehogwelfare group on Yahoo!

Good Luck and Hedgie Blessings,
