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7 weeks dying baby hedgies :(

21 14:49:29

I bred my momma hedgehog with another all went well and i ended up having to take them away from their mother at 4 weeks. i have 2 girls, they are now on their 7th week and one past away last night theyve been being fed baby formula in small amounts ive been trying to wean them off that and more onto mushed up cat food, but the one baby girl who is still alive and slightly eatting has a lot of symptoms that makes me worried shes dying
-not open and squinty eyes
-smells like dead rodent (no mattter how many baths she gets)
-not as active
-verryyy wobbly
-not eatting well
-odd scabbs on her quills

im really hoping i can help her i dont want to see another one die. please help !! :(

Hi, Yvette:

I don't know much about babies.  The best thing you can probably do is take your little girl to a vet familiar with hedgehogs.  I think breeders I've spoken to say they syringe-feed puppy formula.  Is that what you used?

You could also try researching the internet or joining a hedgehog online bulletin board like hedgehog_help on Yahoo.

I'm sorry I don't have any other ideas for you.

Good Luck & Hedgie Blessings,
